
April 20, 2015


Graphics in Canva

It is important to complete the following steps in order:

  1. Download the Canva App on to your iPad.
  2. Open Canva on your iPad and create an account (or connect with Facebook or Google)
  3. After you log in to Canva, it will prompt you to complete a 63 second tutorial. Please complete this.
  4. Complete this second tutorial.
  5. Complete this final tutorial.

Copyright Free Images

Look over as a resource for copyright free images. These types of photos can make for great cover images for blog posts! Alternatively, these images are easily accessible within the search system of the Canva App.

The Center for Teaching Excellence has also provided some copyright free images on their Flickr account.

Session Four Summary

Graphics and images will be the focus of this session. After having completed the Canva tutorials above, we will spend time in this session creating graphics to incorporate in to your next blog post(s). Also during this session, there will be opportunities to explore Canva and exchange feedback for the graphics you produce.

Following our exploration of Canva, each participant will work on completing his or her second blog post. This post will be an open-ended opportunity to blog about any topic of interest. However, participants will be required to include at least one graphic, either from or produced using Canva. This requirement aims to reinforce digital workflows associated with mobile blogging and to give participants the chance to apply their knowledge of using graphics while blogging. Also, don’t forget you are using a mobile device, complete with a high definition camera that is suitable for capturing your own images to use in Canva or your blog.

Blog Prompts
1. Describe a project/demonstration/etc. that is an exemplary piece of curriculum. Why is it beneficial to student learning?

2. What is something  your department does that is exemplary? How does it set your department apart from other Universities?

Choose one of the above blog prompts and in your response, please include:

  • Name of the resource
  • Text description
  • Featured image or image within post

Remaining time will be spent reviewing the process of commenting on each others’ posts. The use of this time will be flexible and will be based on feedback from the needs of the group. By the end of this session, I am confident that each participant will be able to use the Canva app in tandem with the WordPress app to incorporate graphics and text in to a post.

Session Five Summary

Another capability of a WordPress website is the inclusion of video streaming. Video offers many possibilities when it comes to the content of a website. However, the workflow to incorporate video in to your WordPress site can be complex and will be addressed during this session. First we will focus on the University’s video streaming service, MyMedia, in addition to covering other sources of video like YouTube.

To assist your exploration of using video on WordPress, here are some examples of videos from different sources—paired with their respective embed codes or video links:

MyMedia Example

MyMedia Embed Code
<iframe id=”kaltura_player” src=”[streamerType]=auto&amp;flashvars[leadWithHTML5]=true&amp;flashvars[sideBarContainer.plugin]=true&amp;flashvars[sideBarContainer.position]=left&amp;flashvars[sideBarContainer.clickToClose]=true&amp;flashvars[chapters.plugin]=true&amp;flashvars[chapters.layout]=vertical&amp;flashvars[chapters.thumbnailRotator]=false&amp;flashvars[streamSelector.plugin]=true&amp;flashvars[EmbedPlayer.SpinnerTarget]=videoHolder&amp;flashvars[dualScreen.plugin]=true&amp;&wid=0_8bz9a0ez” width=”960″ height=”540″ allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozAllowFullScreen frameborder=”0″></iframe>
YouTube Example
YouTube Link

Following our video discussion and exploration, we will practice implementing video by adding another Page to your WordPress website. Pages differ from Posts, and information on that distinction is available here. This second page that you create can highlight the courses you teach or the research you are involved in at the university, etc. The only requirement for this second page is the integration of at least one video.

Page Prompts
1. Course page with description, goal, and/or highlighted projects examples.

2. Research page with description, focus, highlights, and example applications

In this page, please include:

Finally, we will conclude this session by giving feedback on each others’ blogs through commenting on one another’s newly created pages.


1. Video on WordPress

Please read the following materials after you have completed session five:

Video Types on WordPress

YouTube Videos on WordPress

2. Blog Status

At this point in the workshop series, you should have completed at least:

  1. Two blog posts
  2. Two pages
  3. Three comments on peer materials

If you have not finished all of these requirements, please work on completing these materials before our final session.

Support Materials

Canva Video Playlist (1 Hour) Image
Canva Design School
Check out even more learning materials on Canva here!
University of Oklahoma MyMedia Support
See the IT support webpages here.
YouTube Video Uploads

Upload videos from your iPad to YouTube using YouTube Capture.

For alternative methods of uploads, visit the Google Upload Videos support page.