Playing With #OLCInnovate 2018 Twitter Data

A word cloud of tweets from #OLCInnovate 2018. Here's the decreasing list of terms that make up the word cloud with their relative number of times used: online (204); ruha9 (184); great (175); session (165); learning (158); olctoday (138); education (134); time (126); work (111); design (102); innovation (102); keynote (100); students (96); conference (93); literacy (93); today (91); thanks (89); just (88); student (85); edtech (82); new (82); need (81); video (81); social (75); like (73); make (73); want (73); people (72); drip (70); jlknott (70); using (69); come (67); join (66); technology (65); faculty (62); conversation (60); jordosh (60); live (60); use (60); olc (59); think (59); award (58); calimorrison (56); talk (54); booth (53); keeganslw (53); tools (53); visual (53); best (52); day (52); kthompso (52); research (52); check (51); technological (50); it's (49); thank (49); way (49); nashville (48); presentation (48)
For #OLCInnovate this year, I setup Tags Explorer to view the Twitter usage of the conference. Since I also did this in 2016, there are opportunities for comparisons between the major topics discussed between the two years. I’ll only have a small chance to play with this data (for now), so I wanted to release […]

The Unofficial Guide To Unofficial Conversations At #OLCInnovate

People sitting at a table reading and conversing.
Serving as the Innovation Lab Chair for #OLCInnovate this year has allowed me to uncover many of the conversations that will take place at the conference. These discussions are hosted by individuals, informal groups, and satirical entities and shed light on the nuances of conversations that will take place this week at #OLCInnovate. Innovation Lab […]

Algorithms, Education, & Inequality – OU Reading Circle

A little boy holding a book with a surprised expression on his face
Next week I’m kicking off a reading circle at my Uni. We’re reading Weapons of Math Destruction – How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy by Dr. Cathy O’Neil. I’ve been looking forward to reading this book since I missed Bryan Alexander’s reading group last year. I was excited to see folks at OU share my interest […]

Info Literacy Learning Community – Week 5 Newsletter

People walking across a street crosswalk in a large city.
I’ve converted the curriculum for the fifth (and final) week of this info literacy learning community into this newsletter covering the people facing issues from all the topics we’ve studied. This post is divided into three sections that you can review and study at your leisure during the week. Background During our time together, we’ve explored many issues involving […]

Info Literacy Learning Community – Week 4 Newsletter

Many security cameras on a light pole with a blue sky background.
I’ve converted the curriculum for the fourth week of this info literacy learning community covering data privacy into this newsletter. This post is divided into three sections that you can review and study at your leisure during the week. Background Every day large data sets are impacting our world in increasing profound and potentially damaging ways. Combined with machine learning […]

Info Literacy Learning Community – Week 3 Newsletter

Two butterflies next to each other on adjacent flowers.
I’ve converted the curriculum for the third week of this info literacy learning community covering social media into this newsletter. This post is divided into three sections that you can review and study at your leisure this week. Background Social media is an ever-changing landscape of expression, connections, influence, and manipulation. In fact, this week, Twitter has decided to crack […]

Info Literacy Learning Community – Week 2 Newsletter

Close up of an empty spider web.
I’ve converted the curriculum for the second week of this info literacy learning community covering web literacy into this newsletter. This post is divided into three sections that you can review and study at your leisure this week. Background Web literacy is often the most valuable skill when recognizing fake news. Since most of fake news is easily propagated across […]

3 Things I Wish I’d Known Before Making A Twine Game/Story

Twine, flowers, orange, and scissors on a wooden table.
So you’re looking at Twine for choice-based storytelling and/or game design? When I was learning Twine there were three major things I wish I’d known at the beginning (probably more but lets start with 3 for now): 1) The Technology – creating with Twine can be as simple as just using [[double brackets]] around words to […]

3 Things I Wish I’d Known Before Making A Twine Game/Story

Twine, flowers, orange, and scissors on a wooden table.
So you’re looking at Twine for choice-based storytelling and/or game design? When I was learning Twine there were three major things I wish I’d known at the beginning (probably more but lets start with 3 for now): 1) The Technology – creating with Twine can be as simple as just using [[double brackets]] around words to […]