Info Literacy Learning Community – Week 2 Newsletter

Close up of an empty spider web.
I’ve converted the curriculum for the second week of this info literacy learning community covering web literacy into this newsletter. This post is divided into three sections that you can review and study at your leisure this week. Background Web literacy is often the most valuable skill when recognizing fake news. Since most of fake news is easily propagated across […]

Digital Storytelling & Media Session Resources

In this session we’ll cover some basics for getting started with any digital storytelling and media projects in courses. In particular my focus is about engaging digital storytelling and media on a curricular level. This post is a way for me to share some of the resources from that session. 🙂 Digital Storytelling & Media Examples OU […]

From Within The Belly Of The Beast – Domains Inside The LMS?

Man visible through window, standing in a falling apart shed that's in a field with mountains in the background.
Life has accelerated astronomically since my first #domains17 post, so I haven’t finished the other writing I was working on since I’m now headed to Australia for a short-term job. Fun fact, my domain actually helped me secure that job. 🙂 Anyways, here’s the rundown of my #domains17 presentation (PS thank Jim Groom for the […]

The Web As A Tool – WebFest Reflection

Rock concert with blue lights
Last week I had the pleasure of hosting a new Domain of One’s Own (DoOO) training on campus alongside John Stewart. This training, WebFest, was centered around building websites and engaging in many of the conversations that surround DoOO. There was a much stronger level of interest than we anticipated and this professional development filled only […]

Web Annotation With In Canvas Training Session

Book pages being flipped through.
This post is being used to document and distribute materials associated with a training I’m giving at the University of Oklahoma, which covers collaborative web annotation as a tool for engaging students. “Writing in the margins” of books and journal articles (or any other texts) in collaboration with others is one way instructors seek to enhance … Continue reading Web Annotation With In Canvas Training Session

How To Integrate Websites Into Canvas

women's hands typing on a mac computer with phone, books, and plant next to her on her desk
I wanted to walkthrough one of my favorite Canvas integrations. Originally, I discovered this integration and used it in one of the early professional development courses I led for faculty transitioning (from D2L) to Canvas back in May 2016, which you can view here. My discovery of this integration was driven by the desire to replicate … Continue reading How To Integrate Websites Into Canvas

I Made My First Game

Dominos on a table spelling quiet
Lots of things are happening, but I wanted to take a moment and talk about a project from last month. I participated in my first game jam! Serenity Forge hosted this event over the weekend of August 5-7th and the theme was to build games about “Healing.” Due to the timing and the theme of this game jam, I … Continue reading I Made My First Game

I Made My First Game

Dominos on a table spelling quiet
Lots of things are happening, but I wanted to take a moment and talk about a project from last month. I participated in my first game jam! Serenity Forge hosted this event over the weekend of August 5-7th and the theme was to build games about “Healing.” Due to the timing and the theme of this game jam, I … Continue reading I Made My First Game

Canvas Training Roundup

Panda in tree eating leaves
These last few weeks have been intense work-wise. I’ve been developing and hosting multiple Canvas courses for instructors at the University of Oklahoma. This has been especially nerve-racking because I am (also) learning how to effectively use the tool I am teaching. Fortunately, at the end of the week I will participate in official training from … Continue reading Canvas Training Roundup