A Multi-University Climate Course Connected By Centralized Discussion

Sunset showing wind turbines in frame

Sunset showing wind turbines in frame
Several weeks back I mentioned I was working on simple MOOC-like courses for instructors with specific grant requirements. They needed university students and public, openly-enrolled students to share course materials and the same discussion space. Having moved their course from a proprietary LMS (that offered this setup) into Canvas, it was time to see where this […]

Types Of Professional Development I Host – CTE Manual

At the Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE), I host a myriad of trainings depending on the focus and instructional needs across campus. When approaching professional development—in addition to content—I consider factors such as time commitments and formats to best serve the needs of as many individuals as possible. This post contains such information for the […]

From Within The Belly Of The Beast – Domains Inside The LMS?

Man visible through window, standing in a falling apart shed that's in a field with mountains in the background.
Life has accelerated astronomically since my first #domains17 post, so I haven’t finished the other writing I was working on since I’m now headed to Australia for a short-term job. Fun fact, my domain actually helped me secure that job. 🙂 Anyways, here’s the rundown of my #domains17 presentation (PS thank Jim Groom for the […]

Australia Adventures – How My Domain Helped Me Get A Job

4 people
I’ll be heading to Australia to help RMIT University with their Canvas LMS transition. Since I just finished supporting the University of Oklahoma’s year-long transition from D2L to Canvas, I’m looking forward to taking what I’ve learned over the last year and using it to help RMIT use Canvas to its full potential. My goal […]

The Web As A Tool – WebFest Reflection

Rock concert with blue lights
Last week I had the pleasure of hosting a new Domain of One’s Own (DoOO) training on campus alongside John Stewart. This training, WebFest, was centered around building websites and engaging in many of the conversations that surround DoOO. There was a much stronger level of interest than we anticipated and this professional development filled only […]

PAINTing the Canvas

March has been filled with GOBLINs (traditional and #netnarr surprises), preparing for #OLCInnovate, #Domains17, and planning a new training program called PAINT Canvas. For the last year that I’ve facilitated Canvas training, much of my energy has been spent on-boarding instructors into the new Canvas software while helping them think through how this impacts their course design. Canvas Camp is … Continue reading PAINTing the Canvas

Web Annotation With Hypothes.is In Canvas Training Session

Book pages being flipped through.
This post is being used to document and distribute materials associated with a training I’m giving at the University of Oklahoma, which covers collaborative web annotation as a tool for engaging students. “Writing in the margins” of books and journal articles (or any other texts) in collaboration with others is one way instructors seek to enhance … Continue reading Web Annotation With Hypothes.is In Canvas Training Session