Engaging Students in Information Literacy – A Quick Post

Stack of newspaper that shows the World Business section header.
Life has been a bit hectic lately (more on that at the bottom of this post), but I wanted to share a project I’ve been developing. Ever since the election, I’ve felt like society (or maybe it’s just me) is having an identity crisis. Politics is more polarizing with the prevalence of a “party before […]

I Want To Make The World A Better Place – #resbazOU Lightning Talk

I want to make the world a better place. How? I want to empower students to be reflective thinkers and critical creators. Because? I want students to make meaningful & positive contributions to this world. How can I support this? By making sure student experiences include these: Connect with people – (Be able to empathize […]

Securing Websites & Saving Space With Static HTML

Shelves containing binders of files.
A couple weeks ago, I completed a couple web maintenance projects I’ve been meaning to tackle. HTTPS FTW I (finally) secured many of my DoOO websites using this guide from Reclaim Hosting (thanks Tim!). Now keeganslw.com, GOBLIN, eXperiencePlay, etc. will automatically serve encrypted https:// links instead of http://. I’m really EXCITED about completing this project as Google […]

Digital Storytelling & Media Session Resources

In this session we’ll cover some basics for getting started with any digital storytelling and media projects in courses. In particular my focus is about engaging digital storytelling and media on a curricular level. This post is a way for me to share some of the resources from that session. 🙂 Digital Storytelling & Media Examples OU […]

Two Folks That Made iPadPaloozaOU Awesome

Sound engineer working at a concert.
It’s hard to believe a week has passed since iPadPaloozaOU. I’ve already written about this conference, but wanted to quickly shoutout a couple people that took my experience to the next level: Vanessa Perez and Terri Cullen, you made my conference experience phenomenal. Vanessa Vanessa displayed tremendous passion and was inspiration to me this year. First, she […]

Types Of Professional Development I Host – CTE Manual

At the Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE), I host a myriad of trainings depending on the focus and instructional needs across campus. When approaching professional development—in addition to content—I consider factors such as time commitments and formats to best serve the needs of as many individuals as possible. This post contains such information for the […]

Facilitating Events At OU, Logistically – CTE Manual

Hand drawing on digitizer.
Teaching is my favorite part of my job—hands down. Yet, working in faculty development, there are significant logistical considerations that must be addressed every time I want to experience the joy of teaching. Over the last few years I’ve streamlined my approach to the logistics that precede my teaching engagements on campus. This is an […]

PAINTing the Canvas

March has been filled with GOBLINs (traditional and #netnarr surprises), preparing for #OLCInnovate, #Domains17, and planning a new training program called PAINT Canvas. For the last year that I’ve facilitated Canvas training, much of my energy has been spent on-boarding instructors into the new Canvas software while helping them think through how this impacts their course design. Canvas Camp is … Continue reading PAINTing the Canvas

Changing Domain For A WordPress Website in 3 Steps

Laptop computer nearly closed with light from the screen illuminating the keyboard.
Today, John and I moved the eXperiencePlay website from xp.keeganslw.com to experienceplay.education. I was worried this process would be cumbersome but I was pleasantly surprise when we succeeded after a few minutes of research and work. Prerequisites Before initiating the domain change process, I registered experienceplay.education on Namecheap, pointed the Name Servers at my Reclaim Hosting … Continue reading Changing Domain For A WordPress Website in 3 Steps

Domains17 Conference Proposals

Guitar laying on a guitar amp.
I’m already anticipating the #Domains17 conference slated for June 5-6th this summer. Much of my excitement is a direct result of the folks who will attend this conference as #Domains17 will be bring together many of the minds focused on Domain of One’s Own (DoOO) projects and beyond. Individuals like Martha Burtis (headlining!), Jim Groom, Tim Owens, Adam … Continue reading Domains17 Conference Proposals