Open Online Card Games – Epic Heroes Web App

Red headed lady at a coffee shop on her computer. She has tattoos and a big smile.

Red headed lady at a coffee shop on her computer. She has tattoos and a big smile.
Recently, I built a web app using WordPress and the Random Content plugin to convert the Epic Heroes card game into an open, online version that can be played synchronously over video chat or in person with out needing to print out the cards. You can see the web app by navigating to on […]

10 Notable Ideas From InstructureCON 2016

inflatable panda on a pond in Colorado under a blue, cloudy sky.
I’m aware that this post is overdue since InstructureCON concluded two months ago, but I wanted to share a few ideas from the conference. If you prefer a breakdown of the sessions I attended, I recommend checking out John Stewart’s eleven posts linked in his concluding reflection. EdCamp – InstructureCON Un-Conference 1. Canvas Mentor Professors: This … Continue reading 10 Notable Ideas From InstructureCON 2016

Canvas Training Roundup

Panda in tree eating leaves
These last few weeks have been intense work-wise. I’ve been developing and hosting multiple Canvas courses for instructors at the University of Oklahoma. This has been especially nerve-racking because I am (also) learning how to effectively use the tool I am teaching. Fortunately, at the end of the week I will participate in official training from … Continue reading Canvas Training Roundup

#games4ed – Leading My First Twitter Chat

Last night I moderated the #games4ed live chat. Little do anyone know, this was my first time to host a Twitter chat. O.o I’ve had a lot of fun on Twitter recently. First I remotely participated in a conference and then I published my first set of open Twitter data. Not to mention joining the #games4ed live chats and meeting many awesome people: Melissa Pilakowski, Steven Isaacs, Mark … Continue reading #games4ed – Leading My First Twitter Chat